
Requirements for a testnet node:

You will need an Ubuntu VPS with the following minimum specifications to host your node:

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 or 22.04 LTS x64

  • 320 GB SSD

  • 6 vCPU

  • 16 GB RAM

  • 5 TB bandwidth

You don't need to hold a certain amount of COTI in order to run a testnet node.

Requirement for a mainnet node:

You will need an Ubuntu VPS with the following minimum specifications to host your node:

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 or 22.04 LTS x64

  • 320GB SSD

  • 12 vCPU

  • 16GB Ram

  • 5 TB bandwidth

You need to run a testnet node first and you need to hold 150,000 COTI as collateral in the treasury in order to be able to run a mainnet node. Mainnet node operators are selected by COTI. You can increase your chance of being selected as a mainnet node operator by carefully maintaining your testnet node and by partcipating actively in the COTI community.

Currently the rewards for running a node are 200 COTI for each month with an uptime of more than 60% for a testnet node and 30% APY for your 150,000 COTI collateral, i.e. 45,000 COTI per year, for a mainnet node.

Last updated