Treasury Fees
Deposit fee: 0.05%
Withdrawal fee: 0.25%
Multiplier fees (do not apply for 1x multiplier):
2x multiplier: 0.0025% per day
3x multiplier: 0.0033% per day
4x multiplier: 0.0035% per day
8x multiplier: 0.0045% per day
Early withdrawal fee (only for deposits with a locked period): 0% to 2% depending on how early you withdraw your deposit
Liquidation risk fees (are calculated at the time of withdrawal and do not apply for 1x multiplier):
2x multiplier with health factor of 1.3 or below: 1% to 3%
3x multiplier with health factor of 1.15 or below: 2% to 3%
4x multiplier with health factor of 1.1 or below: 2% to 4%
8x multiplier with health factor of 1.04 or below: 3% to 5%
You can find a detailed explanation of treasury fees at
Last updated